An Evening With Your Coach

Marianne W. quote

Have you ever just reached a point where you thought “wouldn’t it be nice to have an experienced Life Coach that I could talk to this ONE time to help me get through this particularly rough time in my life?”

It’s all around you, everywhere you look. The times we are living in are changing so very quickly. It’s like stress on steroids! The world is reflecting outwardly what you are experiencing inwardly and it has almost become just too much.

Stress Lady

It HAS to change!

Things HAVE to get better!

You CAN’T go on like this any longer!

You work hard, then harder, you do you best but nothing seems to work!

You think “will this EVER get better?

Then the doubts set in. Maybe you were meant to struggle.

Maybe you just weren’t meant to have things run smoothly, or be happy, or have good health, or be prosperous.

But, you were NOT meant to struggle!

And life CAN turn around for you!

Right now you don’t believe it can and as long as you hold on those doubts, fears and beliefs, it never will.

If there is anything at all going on in your life right now that you would really like to explore with me, personally, in any area of your life, then NOW is the time!

Everyone’s challenges are increasing in intensity as we are being forced to clear our old patterns whether or not we want to and most don’t know where to turn.

Most of us just want that ONE conversation that will give us some guidance as to what is really going on and what the next step might be to ease the stress.

Would it be beneficial and helpful to have access to an experienced Life Coach that can guide you through these stressful times to address

YOUR personal concerns? YOUR personal stress? YOUR personal challenges? YOUR personal issues?

If you were drawn here, then it is very possible that something bigger than YOU guided YOU here. I know the questions that have been silently nagging at YOU for quite a while now. The whispers have become louder and YOUR challenges have become more intense.

  • Are you feeling trapped with no clear direction or purpose?

  • Are relationships complicated, chaotic and draining?

  • Are you dreading the family gatherings because of unresolved family issues?

  • Has money and finances (or the lack of) become a huge source of stress in your day to day life?

  • Are health issues suddenly popping up everywhere?

  • Are you dealing with what feels like a day to day struggle and find yourself feeling weary and “life tired”?

  • Do you find yourself feeling “STUCK” and don’t know which direction to turn?

  • Do you find yourself doing anything and everything to avoid the emotional pain of needed changes in your life?

  • Is there a negative pattern that keeps showing up in your life over and over again despite your best efforts to figure out why?

You want to figure it all out, but the kids are screaming, your boss is demanding, end of the year reports are due, football and basketball practice and games for the kids beckons you. Your husband needs you to pick up his shirts at the dry cleaners, you have a mountain of work on your desk and a mountain of laundry at home and don’t know how you’ll get it all done – the never ending “to do” list gets longer, time continues to speed up and yet the whispers in your head continue to get louder and louder but you just don’t feel you have time to stop and listen.

Yet, with each passing day, the whispers get louder and the challenges get more intense and there is no one near who can guide you – until NOW

That which you resist – persists.

You feel it coming – you are being held together with a “lick and a prayer” but you know something has to give!

All I know for sure from personal experience is if you do not address that which is showing up for you……


You do NOT have to wait until an experience drops you to your knees before you finally begin making some positive changes in your life that will allow your life to

“unfold not unravel.”

Pain is inevitable – Suffering is optional.

Before  you explode into a million little pieces, I am inviting YOU to a unique and new kind of coaching experience:

An Evening With Your Coach”

It’s ALL about YOU!

What do YOU need right now in this moment?

  • There are no long term commitments.  I will be here each week in a group setting to help you through whatever it is that has become the most pressing issue for you at this moment.

  • This call is open to anyone each and every week (with exception for holidays) and over the years, I have discovered that within the energy of the group, there will be people with similar issues coming to each call.

  • I am also giving participants a special email address to write in your concerns and issues so I can use that time to share my insights as well.

  • Many people can identify with others, or sometimes find their own breakthrough moment just by listening to someone else who is going through something similar.


The calls are guided by YOU! – YOUR issues, YOUR pain, YOUR needs will be addressed. 

  • If your issue is MONEY – it isn’t always about money.

  • If your issue is RELATIONSHIPS – it isn’t always about “them.”

  • If your issue is CAREER and LIFE PURPOSE – you will be surprised what is keeping you confused and frustrated.

  • If your issue is HEALTH and WELL-BEING it isn’t about your Grandmother’s genes.

  • ALL your issues are self-limiting and conflicting BELIEFS – NO EXCEPTION!

You can attend one call only, come every other week, attend each week or attend as your schedule allows.

You will learn, grow and evolve from each group call you attend.

Nothing EVER goes away until it teaches you what you need to learn” ~ Anonymous

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

Susan, how will, “An Evening With Your Coach:”

  help ME?

  • Each week you will be given a step by step blueprint as to how to begin shifting your self-limiting beliefs so that you clear away the energy that continues to hinder your ability to resolve old issues.

  • Each week depending on the number of people on the call, you will have an opportunity to speak to me personally about your most pressing issue. I have successfully coached countless people from all over the world in helping them get “unstuck” or at the very least, help them shift the energy of their most pressing issue.

  • Each week you will be given an opportunity for a different perspective on your issue that many times will change EVERYTHING for you!

  • Each week you will be given a minimum of 2 unique tools that you can use on a day to day basis to breakthrough the areas of your life that have you so stuck.

  • For those that come to  “An Evening With Your Coach” “It’s ALL About YOU!” group coaching calls, you will have access to me personally via email to help you when you cannot get through the most difficult energetic barriers that hold you back. (This could be priceless during the most stressful time of year.)

  • Each week, the information builds upon the previous week so for those who choose to be consistent on the Coaching Calls, you will quickly begin to see and feel positive progress and issue resolution.

  • Breakthrough” moments will begin coming more and more rapidly as you commit to doing the inner work based on uncovering your self-limiting beliefs and behaviors.

  • It doesn’t matter if your biggest issue is relationships, money, career, health and well-being, it is ALL connected and you will see how and why by coming to the calls.

I will be doing a Facebook and Linked In posting each week about the upcoming “An Evening With Your Coach” It’s ALL about YOU! group call for the coming week. If you don’t see the link for the coming week, then email me at and put Weekly Coaching Call into the subject line and I will send you the link to sign up for that week’s class.

You can also email me at to share with me your particular issue so that I can cover the topic in an upcoming call.

You are free to pay for just the one class or free to come each week and gain the benefit of the momentum from the information being presented. There is no pressure and no “contracts.”

Just a weekly lifeline to help you through the most difficult challenges when you feel you have no where to turn. 

No Hype – Just Help!

The call is “client driven” by YOU, for YOU.

You will come away with insights, breakthroughs, tools to navigate your way through your current stress and much, much more!

Coaching Calls will begin on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 and take place every Tuesday evening thereafter.

Calls will begin at 6:00 pm PST – 9:00 pm EST

Each coaching call will be 90 minutes to 2 hours in length to accommodate as many people on the call as possible. You can email me at to ask me questions in advance that you would like covered on the call.

“The measure of success isn’t whether you have a tough problem, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.”  

~John Foster Dulle 

The cost of each coaching call is only $29.00!

(Normal Coaching rates are $100.00 per hour – you get 2 hours each week)

Just click on the link below and sign up for the upcoming class.

You will be given the phone in information upon receipt of payment.

If not now – when?

If there is anything at all going on in your life right now that you would really like to explore with me, personally, in any area of your life, then NOW is the time!

Yes Susan! Sign me up for “An Evening With Your Coach”

It’s ALL about YOU!”

Every Tuesday evening starting at 6:00 pm PST – 9:00 pm EST

(except for Holiday Weeks)


 “Nothing happens until the PAIN OF REMAINING THE SAME outweighs the PAIN OF CHANGE.”       Arthur Burt

Susan, I would prefer to pay for and schedule a personal “Beliefs Breakthrough Coaching Session” with you that comes with your all of your  proprietary “Beliefs Breakthrough Coaching Assessments” and a 2 hour private session. This comes with a free Human Design Chart and a Human Design “Type and Strategy” coaching session. This is a $500.00 value for $250.00 from now through the end of the year.


There is no bigger gift of love than to help a loved one grow by offering a powerful, one of a kind, Personal Breakthrough Coaching Session to begin the New Year off right.

Yes Susan!

I would like to purchase a Gift Certificate for your “Beliefs Breakthrough Coaching Session” for a friend or relative for Christmas at the same savings of $250.00 for the 2 hour session and all of the assessments. (A $350.00 value.) By purchasing this option a beautiful Gift Certificate will be mailed to you for giving by Christmas but orders for this must be in no later than December 15, 2013.
